A little less than four years ago I found myself working harder than I ever had. The harder I worked, the more I slept. I began missing birthdays, showers and your average Friday night out. As a proclaimed lifer, I believe quality of life is the most essential aspect of all living. That definition varies for everyone but we more or less know what matters most to us, and what makes us feel most alive. For me partying and getting wasted was never at the top of my things to do. My life best lived is one rife with experience. It is a life bursting at the seams with memories so vivid you can evoke a minimum 3 senses during reflection.

A little less than four years a go I committed to doing one thing a month that I had never done before. I figured of the 28 days allotted, I should be able to siphon just one for myself. Four years later I am just as busy, perhaps increasingly so, and not a month has gone by that I haven’t tried something new. Whether it’s checking out a new restaurant, seeing a ballet for the first time, or taking a weekend trip to Marco Island, these experiences add up to life fulfilled.

For those resistant to change, familiarize yourself with your ignorance. An unwillingness to try something just because, is a significant detriment to your self growth. Go skiing, and then tell people, it’s not for you. Try sushi and truly decipher whether or not you could possibly enjoy raw fish. Simply proclaiming “eww it’s raw,” sounds far less intelligent than “I tried it once, but I didn’t enjoy it.” At the very least, try something just to prove yourself right. Chances are seven out of ten times you’re gonna be wrong. Trust me, you would have emerged a better person for it. Take it from someone who’s terrified to fly but has been to South Africa, St. Tropez, Anguilla, Innsbruck and Venice to name a few.

Sometimes living your best life means leaving a few people behind, literally. I spent a whole year going back and forth with friends about a trip to Europe. When it wasn’t the right time for them, it wasn’t the right budget. When they weren’t fresh out of a relationship, they were fresh into a new one. It took a lot of mulling over and wrestling fears but I booked a tour and a ticket and made my way to Europe. To this day it is one of the most enriching trips I have ever taken and it sparked a monthly ritual thats 43 months strong.

In subsequent months, The formula will feature a monthly segment that highlights this ritual.